VAI Briefs: What’s New at VERTICON 2025

POWER UP Magazine

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VAI Briefs: What’s New at VERTICON 2025

If you’re reading this Mar. 10–13 in Dallas, Texas, then you’re most likely reading this at VERTICON 2025. Welcome to the inaugural edition of our show!

While we have kept all the features that made our previous show, HAI HELI-EXPO®, the world’s largest vertical aviation conference and trade show, VERTICON will feature new and expanded programming, education opportunities, and chances to connect with your industry.

Here’s a look at some new and notable VERTICON events. You will find more information in the VAI Events app, online at, or in your VERTICON 2025 Program & Exhibit Guide.

Maintenance Competition

New this year, The Competition at VERTICON 2025, sponsored by the nonprofit Aerospace Maintenance Council, celebrates aviation maintenance technicians and the critical role they play in our industry.

Three-member teams will test their knowledge and expertise in a series of eight maintenance events on the show floor, at Booth #12353. Come cheer on your favorite team on Mar. 11, and honor the winners at the awards ceremony, Mar. 12 from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.

Exciting Speakers

Don’t miss these speakers and their exciting stories! Best of all, you’ll have two chances to hear them at the VERTICON 2025 Main Stage (Ballroom C2–C4):

Ethics, Bias & Things That Go Bump in an AI Night, with Paul Zikopoulos

How can AI be used in personal and business relationships? And how can we use AI and maintain trust in those relationships? Future-trends expert Paul Zikopoulos explains.

• Main Stage (Ballroom C2–C4): Wed., Mar. 12, 9:00 am – 10:00 am

• VERTICON Connect Q&A (Booth #7405): Wed., Mar. 12, 10:15 am – 10:45 am

Flying Sideways – Behind the Scenes, with Fred North

Ever wonder how they got that helicopter shot for a movie? Fred was there!

• Main Stage (Ballroom C2–C4): Wed., Mar. 12, 2:15 pm – 3:15 pm

• VERTICON Connect Q&A (Booth #7405): Wed., Mar. 12, 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Supersonic Survivor, with Brian Udell

If you can survive ejecting from an airplane at 780 mph, what can’t you do?

• Main Stage (Ballroom C2–C4): Thu., Mar. 13, 9:00 am – 10:00 am

• VERTICON Connect Q&A (Booth #7405): Thu., Mar. 13, 10:15 am – 10:45 am


Ready to learn? VERTICON 2025’s schedule is packed with over 100 courses, sessions, and briefings.

Foundations Sessions (formerly Rotor Safety Challenge)

In these one-hour sessions, industry volunteers share their expertise to provide you with best practices, tools, and tactics you can apply back on the job. The expanded Foundations series goes beyond safety to include a wide variety of topics, such as advanced air mobility, business development, and cybersecurity.

All Foundations sessions are free for registered attendees and exhibitors. Take VAI’s challenge to attend at least six Foundations sessions and receive a certificate of achievement.

Elevations Courses (formerly Professional Education Courses)

This year’s series of in-depth education courses includes new offerings on recurrent pilot training for specific Bell and Airbus models, tactical flight officer training, and critical-care readiness training for air ambulance personnel. Elevations courses require a separate registration fee, but you’ll also receive free passes to attend VERTICON.

Tech Briefings (formerly Manufacturer Technical Briefings)

These industry updates cover technical information and updated maintenance procedures on specific airframes, engines, equipment, and systems. All the briefings are free for attendees and exhibitors and offer inspection authorization renewal credit.