VAI Adds New Regional Reps in Northeast and Western United States

By ROTOR Staff

POWER UP Magazine

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VAI has hired Josh Rousseau and Chuck Street as Northeastern US regional representative and Western US regional representative, respectively, to provide local support for VAI members in both areas. With Rousseau based in New York and Street in California, the two positions expand VAI’s ability to provide more direct face-to-face support to members, represent members in local government meetings, and advocate directly for VAI members.

“With growing needs from members in California and Hawaii, along with increased legislative attempts to limit and eliminate helicopter operations in the New York City–New Jersey area, VAI identified two highly connected industry professionals not only in the helicopter industry, but also in local and state government, to help represent and support our members,” says John Shea, senior director of government affairs at VAI. “Both Josh and Chuck are very well-known in their local helicopter communities, have experience promoting the benefits of our industry with elected and appointed officials, and have already developed positive relationships with people across several layers of government in their regions.”

Josh Rousseau

Rousseau brings more than 25 years of experience in the highest levels of New York State government, including the state assembly assistant speaker’s office. He has held executive leadership posts at critical state agencies, including the New York State Department of Transportation, and has served as the state’s assistant secretary for legislative affairs. His background also includes developing relationships with public and private stakeholders, advocates, and elected officials, providing him access to a vast network of key individuals to help support VAI member concerns.

Chuck Street

Street began his career as a helicopter pilot and broadcast traffic reporter in the Los Angeles area in the 1980s. He soon became a well-known member of the helicopter industry, later working to form advocacy organizations to promote and protect helicopter operations in Southern California. Street has represented the industry in community and municipality meetings, worked with elected and appointed officials, and developed relationships with government officials in various cities, counties, and states.

Both Rousseau and Street regularly meet with local VAI members and nonmembers alike, learning about their concerns and issues and providing assistance and advocacy support.

Members in the Northeast can contact Rousseau at, and members in California and Hawaii can contact Street at