Super Puma from Chile joins Argentina firefighting efforts in Patagonia Ecocopter+Helisul, through CONAF, is supporting the fight against the devastating forest fires affecting Argentine Patagonia with its Super Puma helicopter. The aircraft, with great capacity and advanced technology, joins the efforts of the authorities and firefighters from across the Andes to control the emergency. Argentine Patagonia is facing an unprecedented crisis due to the spread of forest fires, caused by high temperatures and strong winds. According to official data, the fires have so far destroyed more than 12,000 hectares in the Nahuel Huapi National Park in Río Negro and 22,000 hectares in the Lanín National Park in Neuquén. Faced with this difficult situation and through CONAF, Ecocopter+Helisul has mobilized its Super Puma helicopter, AS 332 C1 registration ZT-RYC, an essential aircraft in the fight against fires thanks to its capacity to transport large volumes of water and its flight autonomy. Francisco Arriagada, Commercial Manager of Ecocopter+Helisul, stated that; “We are deeply concerned by the magnitude of the fires in Argentine Patagonia and we are providing support to protect this valuable ecosystem. The Super Puma is a high-performance aircraft for fighting fires and we are sure that its participation will be of great help in controlling this emergency and preventing it from spreading further,” he emphasized. The Super Puma helicopter, operated by a pilot, co-pilot, first officer, mechanics and highly trained logistics personnel, will be available to the National Fire Management Service, who will have this aircraft to support the extinguishing of fires. According to the authorities, there are two fires originating in Argentina that affect Chile: one in the province of Neuquén, which is near the Villarrica National Park, and the second in the Los Lagos region, near the town of Cochamó. ” We are committed to protecting people, communities and the environment, which is why we have made the Super Puma and all our experience available to fight the fires in Argentine Patagonia,” explains Arriagada. The Superpuma, which belongs to the semi-heavy segment, and which can drop 3,500 liters of water, has a flight range of up to 3 hours, and a complete system for fighting forest fires. The aircraft will be operating specifically in the Province of Neuquén and will provide support for at least 14 days.