Power up your career at VERTICON 2025 VAI is hosting a plethora of career, education, and training opportunities at VERTICON 2025, according to Greg Brown, VAI’s director of education and training. “It doesn’t matter what aspect of vertical aviation you’re interested in; we have something at VERTICON that can help you.” Offerings include a workshop for military veterans who are transitioning from the service to civilian employment. The workshop, “Mil2Civ: Landing Jobs in the Civil Vertical Aviation Industry,” will take place Monday, Mar. 10, from noon to 6 pm. Also on tap, Tuesday, Mar. 11, from 10:30 am to 5:00 pm, will be the VAI Vertical Aviation Industry Career Fair, featuring representatives from over 30 companies who are ready to hire. To attend the Mil2Civ workshop and the VAI industry career fair, both of which are free of charge, complete the attendee registration form. Both events will be held in Ballroom D at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas. Breakout presentations will be held during the general job fair on Tuesday, covering topics including resume building, networking, flying offshore, helitourism, and the air medical sector. Attendees will also have an opportunity to engage in formal career Q&A sessions. For those interested in continuing education, dozens of free, VAI Foundations educational sessions providing the chance to earn FAA AMT or WINGS credits will be held Mar. 11–13. The Foundations series, formerly known as the Rotor Safety Challenge, is divided into 12 tracks (advanced air mobility, artificial intelligence, career development, maintenance, medical, operations, pilot, rotor business, safety, small business success, student, and unmanned aircraft systems). Additionally, 32 Elevations education courses will be offered covering diverse topics, including maintenance; management; leadership; human factors; recurrent ground, flight, and instruction training; and safety topics such as safety management system (SMS) implementation. VAI members enjoy discounted pricing for the Elevations series, formerly known as Professional Education Courses.