From the Board: A Solid Foundation

POWER UP Magazine | VAI News

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Mark A. Schlaefli, of Dakota Rotors and a Parts 135/133 operator in the US Upper Midwest and Mountain West, began his one-year term as chair of the VAI Board of Directors on Jul. 1, 2024. Mark holds an ATP rotorcraft certificate as well as instrument, CFI, and CFII ratings. (VAI/Doug Loneman, Loneman Photography)

From the Board: A Solid Foundation

Historic firsts set up VAI members for success.

By Mark A. Schlaefli

During its 75-year history, Vertical Aviation International (VAI) has experienced a lot of “firsts,” all for the benefit of our members. But the past year has truly been historic.

Since February 2024, the association has taken on a new identity, rebranding from Helicopter Association International to a new, more inclusive name that builds bridges across our industry and redefines how we think of vertical aviation.

This column, my first as VAI chair, appears in the first issue of POWER UP, the publication that replaces the familiar ROTOR magazine in your mailbox. Since 1988, ROTOR has been the voice of the helicopter community, and now POWER UP will do the same for our expanded industry. With our growing partnerships in Europe and an expanding official role at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), our association is truly international, living up to the “I” in VAI.

VAI has just hosted the first safety conference dedicated to air tour operations, bringing together operators and regulators to drive safety culture and develop best practices. Meanwhile, our annual conference and trade show, previously known as HAI HELI-EXPO®, will be stepping out as the first VERTICON in March 2025 in Dallas, Texas. A center of vertical aviation manufacturing and business, Dallas is a fitting location for an event that brings us together. All of this adds up to a lot of firsts!

Reflecting on these changes, I’m filled with excitement for the future. VAI provides our industry with advocacy that has proven to be an effective agent for change, successfully blocking harmful legislation and initiatives. When rule­making committees and standards boards meet to discuss the future direction of regulations, VAI is there to represent our interests. Access to safety programs, professional education opportunities, and a growing suite of member benefits—all these provide tangible reasons to be part of this great organization. I can attest to how my VAI membership has added value to my companies.

VAI’s activities in service to the industry are accomplished by having a solid foundation in place: a strategic plan that vigorously supports today’s missions with today’s aircraft while paving the way for the industry to embrace emerging technologies and the future of vertical flight. Our five strategic initiatives—born from close collaboration with you, the membership—will be regularly reviewed to ensure VAI remains proactively engaged with the changing landscape that is vertical aviation.

As chair of the VAI Board of Directors for 2024–25, my critical items of interest are workforce development, access to airspace, and continued collaboration with regulators to advance our strategic initiatives. To take just one example, with airline hiring once again poised to expand, our technician and pilot pools will become prime recruiting grounds. VAI is working to foster new ideas to attract the next generation to our industry, including building a pathway for both pilots and technicians to help fill the needs of our members.

While VAI is hard at work on these issues, it will take all of us in the industry to confront them with outside-the-box thinking and, more importantly, action. VAI members must play a key role in crafting our opportunities and solutions. As the chair—and as a pilot and operator who faces many of the same challenges as you—I’m excited to engage with you on new ideas and programs. Contact me at ­­ with your thoughts. Let’s work together to further the industry we’re all passionate about: vertical aviation!