VAI Operator Safety Award

You may apply for your VAI Operator Safety Award using this online form, which will automatically be submitted to VAI.
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Type the name as it is to appear on the award. It must be the same as the VAI membership name.
Specify to whom the award is to be sent.

Please complete the following as accurately as possible. All information provided is held in confidence and is NOT shared or distributed.

Did your organization have any accidents* in the last year?
Was a safety audit conducted in the last year?
If so, was the audit internal or external?
Does your company have a safety management system in place?
Were safety refresher courses/instructions provided to personnel?
Are you aware of the VAI Operational Risk and Resilience Accreditation (ORRA) Program?

Qualified applicants will receive a free certificate suitable for framing and display. Plaques and medallions will be available through our vendor. Please email for more information after submitting your application.


VAI would be honored to share your achievement and commitment to safety with our broader membership and industry! We would like to receive a photo of you with your award or aircraft and receive a short note about what receiving the award and achieving the accomplishment means to you.

Are you interested in sharing your achievement?