Home / Rotor Safety Challenge Proposal Form Rotor Safety Challenge Proposal Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Primary Presenter Information (Primary Point of Contact)Your Name *Email Address *Job Title *Organization *Phone Number *CellphoneEducation experience and qualifications including any certifications *Presentations and teaching experience (indicate date topic and venue) *Short Bio (75-word limit) *Headshot (If more than one presenter, we will contact you for headshots as needed.) Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Additional Presenters (name, experience, and qualifications) if applicable *Any limitations on session date or time *Member of HAIYesNoSession InformationTitle Suggestion (subject to potential modification) 7-word limit *Course Description (this description may be edited) 60-word limit *Learning Objectives (50-word limit) *Syllabus by Topic (60-word limit) *Audiovisual PackageStandard with WiredStandard with Lapel WirelessAdditional requirements AV or otherwiseTarget Audience *Track *MaintenancePilotOperatorSafetyUASStudentCareer Development Instruction / Presentation Method Methods to be used (for example lecture workshop case study panel discussion) *Interactive Participatory Elements * Attachments Sample Handout (At least one handout should be provided to participants as a takeaway to the session, in order to highlight key concepts, tools and techniques, and examples of practical application. Please include a draft handout for review.) Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Reference Materials (Names and contact information for three to five individuals who have heard you present in the last 24 months please include organization email address and phone number as well as presentation topic and venue.) Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Session Recording HAI intent is to make the key messages from the Rotor Safety Challenge available to HAI members to view after the show. To that end, we have recently begun to video presentations and upload them onto our website. This year, we will record all sessions and presentations. Provide HAI with royalty-free license to record, use, reproduce, and distribute your presentation and handout in the future, including on HAI’s website, with appropriate attribution to you. Please email education@verticalavi.org for special consideration. VerificationName *Date *By checking this box I affirm that I have the authority to commit to the presentations outlined in this proposal which was prepared in accordance with the Call for PresentationsBy checking this box I affirm that I have the authority to commit to the presentations outlined in this proposal which was prepared in accordance with the Call for PresentationsSubmit