How to Contact Us
Greg Brown
Director of Education & Training Services
VAI Professional Education Program
VAI HELI-EXPO 2022 Rotor Safety Challenge Sessions
Dallas, TX, USA – March 7-10, 2022
Vertical Aviation International (VAI) is announcing the 2022 VAI Rotor Safety Challenge, an education initiative to be held in conjunction with VAI HELI-EXPO 2022 in Dallas, TX.
Open to all VAI HELI-EXPO® attendees, the Rotor Safety Challenge will feature free safety events and short sessions, conveniently scheduled on show days, that provide a forum for helicopter professionals to learn industry best practices and to —
- Identify key safety issues facing helicopter professionals
- Expand their knowledge of safety concepts and professional skills
- Discover tools and techniques to improve safety performance
- Prepare for safety challenges facing different segments of the industry
- Engage in a dialogue among different helicopter professions
- Identify emerging safety issues relevant to helicopter professionals
- Earn professional education credit toward the FAA Wings and AMT programs.
VAI invites all industry experts and educators interested in presenting at the Rotor Safety Challenge to submit a proposal for a 60-minute educational session to be delivered at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas. Safety presentations will be scheduled March 7-10, 2022 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
VAI seeks proposals for sessions that address safety topics and challenges in a clear and thoughtful manner from all segments of the rotorcraft industry and that represent all helicopter professions. VAI is particularly interested in receiving proposals for sessions that are interactive, speak to timely industry issues or trends, and provide practical tools and techniques attendees can apply at work for improved safety performance.
Individuals or vendors who wish to propose a short session to be considered for the Rotor Safety Challenge at VAI HELI-EXPO 2022 must submit a proposal to by no later than Friday, May 28, 2021. No more than two proposed sessions will be considered for each individual or vendor. Please note that, preference will be given to HAI members during the selection process.
A. Subject Areas
Short sessions will be offered for but not limited to safety subject areas, each focusing on a specific area of interest:
- Safety Management
- Flight Operations
- Maintenance / Technical Issues
- Safety Culture / Leadership
- Insurance
- Decision making
B. Suggested Presentation Topics
Suggested topics for VAI Rotor Safety Challenge short sessions include, but are not limited to:
Safe landings | Safety culture / Just culture | Human factors |
Crisis management | Business case for safety | Decision making |
Weather conditions and performance | Accident factors and prevention | FDM/HUMS |
Threat and error management | SMS implementation and tools | Aviation security |
International safety standards | Crew resource management | Safety leadership |
NextGen / New technology | Maintenance | Industry safety performance |
Unmanned operations | Fatigue in helicopter professionals | Risk management |
Training and pilot / mechanic shortage | Flight data-monitoring and analysis | Hazard identification and management |
C. Resources Provided by VAI
VAI will provide session presenters with suitable classroom facilities in the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas. Each short session will be scheduled for 60 minutes, and presenters are encouraged to leave time for questions.
Classrooms will be set theater-style to accommodate different instructional and presentation methods and to encourage interaction among session attendees. Presenters should anticipate an audience of 50 or more and design their approach with this in mind. Please note that we are unable to modify room set-ups for individual presentations.
Room set-up will be confirmed upon agreement; however, the set-up should include the following standard equipment: projector and screen, microphone, speaker system, flip chart or white board with markers, and a podium at the front of the room.
Session presenters will be required to arrive 10 minutes in advance of the session to test their presentation with the audiovisual equipment. Presenters are required to encourage students to download the HELI-EXPO Show App to complete the session surveys. The surveys will provide the presenter and VAI with presentation feedback. This feedback is required to determine the following year’s participation.
The Rotor Safety Challenge at VAI HELI-EXPO 2022 will offer session presenters a powerful platform to network with more than 15,000 helicopter professionals and to share knowledge, lessons learned, and industry best practices. As a not-for-profit trade association, VAI will not provide training fees or travel reimbursement to selected session presenters. Instead, we encourage industry experts and educators to share their expertise in the spirit of advancing the safety culture of the international helicopter industry.
VAI will offer selected session presenters the following:
- Complementary three-day registration to VAI HELI-EXPO 2022
- Valuable experience presenting at the world’s largest helicopter trade show
- Networking opportunities with and visibility to 15,000+ helicopter professionals
- Feedback on presentation through the participant evaluations
- The opportunity to be considered for the HAI Speakers Bureau.
Please note that partial or incomplete proposals may be rejected. Proposal submissions must include the following items:
Presenter Information (for the primary presenter (point of contact) and, when applicable, for each co-presenter)
- Name
- Job title and organization
- Contact information, including email address, office phone, and cell phone
- Education, experience, and qualifications, including any certifications
- Presentations and teaching experience (indicate date, topic, and venue)
- Short bio (75-word limit)
- Headshot of presenter (at least 300 dpi in jpg or png format; size: 2in x 2in)
- Any limitations on session date or time
- HAI membership status
Session Information
- Suggested session title (7-word limit)
- Session description (75-word limit)
- Learning objectives (50-word limit)
- Target audience
- Syllabus, including the topics, tools, techniques, and examples of practical application covered in the presentation
- Instruction / presentation method
- Method(s) to be used (for example, lecture, workshop, case study, panel discussion)
- Interactive / participatory elements
Program Track
- Indicate which safety tracks your session should be considered for:
- Safety Management
- Flight Operations
- Maintenance / Technical Issues
- Culture / Leadership
Sample Handout
- At least one handout should be provided to participants as a takeaway to the session, in order to highlight key concepts, tools and techniques, and examples of practical application. Please include a draft handout for review.
Reference Materials
- Names and contact information for three to five individuals who have heard you present in the last 24 months (please include organization, email address, and phone number, as well as presentation topic and venue).
Willingness to be videoed and have material published online
- HAI intent is to make the key messages from the Rotor Safety Challenge available to HAI members to view after the show. To that end, we have recently began to video presentations and upload them onto our website. Please advise if you are NOT willing to be videoed and have the presentation uploaded.
Note: If your session is selected, these items will be used on VAI’s website and in other marketing and on-site materials. They should be submitted to VAI in publishable quality, within requested guidelines, and employ language likely to generate interest from VAI HELI-EXPO attendees. VAI reserves the right to edit or alter any item prior to publication.
Interested individuals should prepare session proposals in compliance with all instructions outlined in this Call for Presenters. Proposals must be signed by an individual or vendor official with legally binding authority.
Please submit by using the online form to submit your Rotor Safety Challenge session proposal. As necessary, you may send supporting materials to
If you have any questions, please contact:
Greg Brown
Director of Education & Training Services
Phone: 703-302-8479
A. Selection and Notification Process
VAI will conduct the selection of Rotor Safety Challenge session presenters in the following manner:
- This document will be made available to all interested individuals and posted here: RSC Proposal (
- Proposals will be received and evaluated
- Individuals will be contacted with a response
B. Schedule
Call for presenters issued | Friday, April 23, 2021 |
Deadline for proposal submissions | Friday, May 28, 2021 |
Anticipated presentation dates | March 7 – March 10, 2022 |
C. Evaluation Criteria
VAI anticipates making final selections based on the following criteria: clarity of proposal; appeal and timeliness of topic; session fit with program purpose; relevance to audience; presenter’s education, experience, and qualifications; session benefits, tools, and practical application; level of interaction with audience; diversity of presenters; diversity of participating organizations, industry segments, and helicopter professions; and presentation evaluations from previous years’ sessions.
D. Presentation Evaluations/Surveys
Evaluations for all the RSC presentations will be available on the HELI-EXPO Show APP. Presenters are required to provide all participants the opportunity to download the Show APP to complete the survey/evaluations. The results of the survey/evaluations are used to determine if a presentation is offered again or if the presenter is invited to submit a proposal for the next HELI-EXPO RSC. A copy of completed course evaluation will be provided by VAI on request.
E. Notification of Decision
Individuals will be notified of VAI’s decision regarding submitted session proposals. If selected to provide a session, you will be —
- Assigned to one or two 60-minute session(s), during which you will present to an audience of up to 50 participants or more. Sessions will be scheduled March 7-10, 2022, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
- Agree to provide an electronic copy of the session presentation and handout to VAI at least 30 days in advance of the session for electronic distribution to session participants.
- Required to sign an agreement and accept terms that include providing an electronic copy of the session presentation and handout to VAI at least 30 days in advance of the session for electronic distribution to session participants.
- Required to provide VAI with royalty-free license to record, use, reproduce, and distribute your presentation and handout in the future, including on VAI’s website, with appropriate attribution to you.
- Required to refrain from promoting or marketing your organization and its products, programs, or services, or those of any other organization, during your assigned 60-minute session. Presentations perceived as a sales pitch will not be accepted.
F. VAI’s Right to Reject
VAI reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or portions of any proposal, at its sole discretion without cause.